There are several ways to wear your Nitecap.
Here are a few of our favorites:
For loose waves in the morning, put on your NiteCap, gather all of your hair in your hand and twist it as if you’re ringing water out of it. Place the twisted hair along the back of your head, then secure the cap. You can also wrap your hair in a bun and hold it in place while you adjust your Nitecap.
To quickly tuck your hair in before bed, put on your NiteCap, scoop up all of your hair by pulling on the two tails of silk, then let your hair naturally fall within the cap. This way you can adjust the tightness of the bow for comfort all night long.
We always recommend tucking the elastic in to ensure your Nitecap is secure and you don’t wake up with “sleep lines” on your forehead. Because those are annoying.